Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Over 1 week ago on Saturday on the way to a party our Suburban slowed to a snail's pace, jerked & sputtered violently. It also stared telling me via the electronic computer on the dash to pretty much service everything. We were soon rescued by Norman Frede Roadside Assistance & my friend Kerri. (Thanks Kerri!) On Monday we received a call  that the car would be fixed "soon". Soon was comforting to me since my family of 5 was being forced to commute in a lovely Hyundai Elantra. While grateful to have transportation, in my head I was cursing whoever made this teeny clown car. As the week continued we were we told several things about the car. As soon as they would fix one thing, another would show up. They would fix it, take it for a test drive & it would do the same thing it did the first day. It was frustrating for all of us. We get another car during the 1st week. A Chevy HHR. You would think this had more room right?Nope. Anyway, this whole time we've all been praying the car can be saved. I love my Suburban. Everyone fits, I can haul anything I want, it's a cool color & it's payed off! Most importantly I've learned this week, I feel safe in it. Driving these tiny cars around I can't tell you how many times I was almost hit. Seriously. This crazy lady at Schlitterbahn was driving her HUGE Chevy truck right down the middle of the road, going the wrong way...because she could. She actually looked at me like I was crazy when she almost plowed into us. I did the right thing & walked away since the kids were with me. Plus. She had a wicked long mullet. Never mess with chicks that have mullets. Anyway, the Suburban has been almost completely rebuilt & is ready for pick up "soon". My friend calls it the $6 million Suburban because we bet that's what it costs to repair. The kids are all expecting it to come back looking like Megatron. I think they'll be so happy not to sit on top of each other they won't care.

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